
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A face

One of the things I like to do with my stories is 'cast' them - pick people who could be the characters if it were filmed. This is day-dreaming as well, but it does help with characterisation. Niall Ferguson, one of the characters in my first book, was always Liam Neeson for me. If I could see Liam saying the line, then I tended to think it would work. If not, not.
I've been trying to do that with Shadowlands as well. To an extent, it's not too difficult as I took the bulk of the settings from a film I saw on Youtube - an Italian comedy which follows something close to the story as it appears to be happening to Jack. The one the other characters would see, rather than the one the reader is aware of, at least.
They give me an idea of it, but it doesn't work completely for me as some of those characters aren't the same ages as the people in my story need to be - they're also speaking Italian.
This is one face that I like for my character Abigail. The actress is Juno Templeton and she doesn't really help me with the lines question, as I've never heard her speak, or seen her in a film anywhere (that I know of, the newspaper article I read about her said she's a chameleon and people often don't recognise she's the same girl they've seen before).
Anyway, this is her. She works as the maid in a 1915 stately home in Devon for me.

This is how I currently imagine one of the other women of the house, the governess Fanny Brampton, to look. She probably won't change. This is a screen capture from the film I saw. Fanny should be blonde (I'm not sure why, that's just the way I thought of her). This lady - I'm not sure of her name - is supposed to be English, though, so she can stay.

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