
Saturday, 28 January 2012

More Gaia

I hadn't actually planned to post this (and I'm not doing it now 'cos of being too lazy to think of something new to say). I was looking through my second book - working title Virus - and read through the bit from Gaia that I've started it with. I hadn't thought about it for a while, but re-read it and got interested again. Gaia isn't anything more than a voice at the beginning of the first two books, but she is the real mover and shaker of book three - even in the parts where you don't see her, which will be most of the book. And she is most of the reason why you get the rest of the story.
Fair enough, I thought I'd put her next bit in here. She's worth it.

Stories. Where do they begin and do they ever, ever end? For you, dear reader, the answer to those questions may be with the opening and closing of this book. But for me? My end will come soon with the Resurrection, when the Chosen will fly up into the sky and meet their maker. Then I may go to my rest; my well-deserved rest.
My beginning is heralded by the chronicle you are about to read. But as to where I should begin this chronicle, when every story has a story that precedes it. Begin with a record of the Transgressions that led to the End Times? With the first understanding that the End of Days was dawning? With the children whom my grandfather saved? With the coming of my parents and their decision that I should be dedicated to the salvation of Mankind?
I would have you understand me and forgive, if you can, the things I have done and those I have not done. But every beginning is too far from this end. The years and years of the work. Each detail and the detail that gave birth to it.
Forgive me if I seem to begin in the middle of the story. Each beginning that I choose was given birth by another beginning and this way, at least, I may catch your interest that you might look at the Acts of the Believers and have your own beginning in them.

She is all of what she says she is and all of the characters that she presents as. This voice is very much the same as the one that appears at the beginning of Brendan Earle, but it won't be seen much in book three (unless I cahnge my mind, which happens a lot in the world of Brendan Earle).

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